臭名昭著的罪犯Donovan McEwan承认骚扰电话,判处5个月监禁。 Notorious criminal Donovan McEwan pleads guilty to harassing calls, sentenced to five months in jail.
来自Sudbury的55岁臭名昭著的罪犯Donovan McEwan承认曾一再叫来一名少女,禁止与他接触,从2022年9月至2023年1月共打了31小时41分钟的电话。 Donovan McEwan, a 55-year-old notorious criminal from Sudbury, pleaded guilty to repeatedly calling a teenage girl he was forbidden to contact, totaling 31 hours and 41 minutes of calls from September 2022 to January 2023. McEwan有着长期的犯罪记录,被判处5个月的监禁,并获得DNA命令,无接触条件。 McEwan, who has a long criminal record, received a five-month jail sentence and a DNA order with a no-contact condition. 王国政府可试图宣布他为危险罪犯。 The Crown may seek to declare him a dangerous offender.