美国宇航局 (NASA) 的帕克太阳探测器 (Parker Solar Probe) 完成了最接近太阳的探测,并在极端条件下幸存下来。 NASA's Parker Solar Probe completes closest approach to the sun, surviving extreme conditions.
美国宇航局的帕克太阳探测器成功完成了对太阳的最近接近,在高温和辐射中幸存下来。 NASA's Parker Solar Probe successfully completed its closest approach to the sun, surviving the intense heat and radiation. 这项历史性任务标志着太空探索的重大成就,使科学家们更接近于了解太阳的行为及其对太阳系的影响。 This historic mission marks a significant achievement in space exploration, bringing scientists closer to understanding the sun's behavior and its effects on the solar system.