美国航天局探测器完成了对太阳的最接近的接近, 耐用极端热量和太阳研究的速度。 NASA probe completes closest approach to Sun, enduring extreme heat and speed for solar study.
美国航天局的航天器成功地完成了对太阳的最接近的接近,距离太阳表面380万英里以内。 NASA's spacecraft successfully completed its closest approach to the Sun, coming within 3.8 million miles of the solar surface. 该探测器以430 000公尺高空飞行,温度达1 800华氏度,进入太阳外大气层研究。 The probe, which traveled at up to 430,000 mph and endured temperatures up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, entered the Sun's outer atmosphere to study it. 马里兰州的行动小组收到一个信号,确认探测器的安全,预计1月初会有更详细的数据。 The operations team in Maryland received a signal confirming the probe's safety, with more detailed data expected in early January.