美国航天局的Parker Solar Probe 实现了最接近太阳的飞行,引发了关于人类在空间飞行任务中未来作用的辩论。 NASA's Parker Solar Probe achieved the closest flyby of the Sun, sparking debate on the future role of humans in space missions.
美国航天局的Parker Solar Probe最近飞过太阳, 标志着任何人类制造的物体 最近的接近。 NASA's Parker Solar Probe recently flew past the Sun, marking the closest approach by any human-made object. 该飞行任务旨在研究太阳及其对地球空间天气的影响。 The mission aims to study the Sun and its impact on Earth's space weather. 这种成功使人对人类在未来空间飞行任务中的作用产生疑问,一些科学家认为,先进的机器人和人工智能可以取代人类宇航员,因为它们的效率和成本效益高。 This success raises questions about the role of humans in future space missions, with some scientists arguing that advanced robotics and AI could replace human astronauts due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 然而,另一些人则认为人类对于复杂的研究和实验至关重要,因为人工智能和机器人是补充而不是取代它们。 However, others believe humans are essential for complex research and experiments, with AI and robots complementing rather than replacing them.