美国航天局的罗马空间望远镜太阳能电池板通过了关键测试,推进了项目开发。 NASA's Roman Space Telescope solar panels passed key tests, advancing project development.
美国航天局罗马空间望远镜的太阳能电池板成功通过了关键测试,标志着该项目开发工作迈出了重要一步。 NASA's Roman Space Telescope's solar panels successfully passed key tests, marking a significant step in the project's development. 电池板对于发电和遮蔽至关重要,在热真空室和模拟阳光条件下展示了它们的效力。 The panels, essential for power generation and shading, demonstrated their effectiveness in a thermal vacuum chamber and under simulated sunlight conditions. 该飞行版本将在春季安装在航天器上,以便在发射前进行进一步测试。 The flight version will be installed on the spacecraft in spring for further tests before launch.