伊朗宣布2025年对其核计划至关重要, Trump正准备恢复制裁。 Iran declares 2025 crucial for its nuclear program as Trump prepares to reimpose sanctions.
伊朗外交部长宣布2025年是伊朗核计划的关键一年, Iran's Foreign Minister has declared 2025 as a key year for Iran's nuclear program, amid concerns over the incoming U.S. President Donald Trump's plans to reimpose sanctions. 2018年,特朗普退出了2015年的核协议,该协议削减了伊朗的铀浓缩,以换取解除经济制裁。 In 2018, Trump withdrew from a 2015 nuclear deal that reduced Iran’s uranium enrichment in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. 声明以伊朗货币瑞亚尔(rial)对美元创下历史新低, 反映了对特朗普政府经济压力的担心。 The statement came as Iran’s currency, the rial, hit a record low against the U.S. dollar, reflecting fears of economic pressure from the Trump administration.