伊朗与欧洲各大国在紧张和未能恢复2015年协议的情况下举行核谈判。 Iran to hold nuclear talks with European powers amid tensions and failed revival of 2015 deal.
伊朗将于11月29日在日内瓦与英国、法国和德国进行核会谈。 Iran will hold nuclear talks with Britain, France, and Germany on November 29 in Geneva. 在此之前,联合国监察机构通过了一项反对伊朗和伊朗启动铀浓缩新离心机的决议。 This follows a UN watchdog resolution against Iran and Iran's activation of new centrifuges for uranium enrichment. 会谈的目的是在美国总统当选总统唐纳德·特朗普1月就职之前解决核争端。 The talks aim to resolve the nuclear dispute before US President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration in January. 2018年特朗普政府退出的2015年核协议在拜登政府执政期间失败了。 Efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, which the Trump administration exited in 2018, have failed under the Biden administration.