印度法庭命令在查谟警察招聘过程中允许241名超龄候选人。 Indian tribunal orders 241 overage candidates to be allowed in police recruitment process in Jammu.
查谟中央行政法庭已命令查谟和克什米尔服务甄选委员会允许241名超龄候选人参加警察副督察职位的甄选程序。 The Central Administrative Tribunal in Jammu has ordered the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board to allow 241 overage candidates to participate in the selection process for police sub-inspector positions. 尽管由于据称文件泄漏和渎职而于2022年7月取消了征聘考试,但禁止酷刑委员会的决定允许这些候选人参加考试,在发出进一步命令之前,这些候选人的考试结果将在密封的封面中等待。 Despite the earlier cancellation of a recruitment exam in July 2022 due to allegations of paper leaks and malpractice, the CAT's decision permits these candidates to take part, with their results pending in a sealed cover until further orders. 该决定是在公共就业是一项基本权利的法律论点之后作出的。 The decision comes after legal arguments that public employment is a fundamental right.