印度最高法院命令警方在六个月内核实政府候选人的求职文件。 India's Supreme Court orders police to verify government job candidates' documents within six months.
印度最高法院已命令所有州警察官员在任命后六个月内核实政府工作候选人的文件。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered all state police officials to verify the documents of government job candidates within six months of their appointment. 这包括在任用正规化之前检查他们的性格、前身、国籍和证件真实性。 This includes checking their character, antecedents, nationality, and document authenticity before regularizing their appointments. 裁决是在法院推翻终止一名眼科助理后作出的,该助理的核查报告被推迟,导致对其公民身份提出疑问。 The ruling came after the court overturned the termination of an ophthalmic assistant, whose verification report was delayed, leading to questions about his citizenship status.