选举委员会停止招聘Haryana警察和教师,直到州议会选举之后。 Election Commission halts Haryana police and teacher recruitment until after state assembly elections.
印度选举委员会在10月1日州议会选举之前,停止Haryana目前对警察和教师的招聘结果。 Election Commission of India halts Haryana's ongoing recruitment results for police constables and teachers until after state assembly elections on Oct 1. 委员会没有发现违反《行为守则范本》的情况,因为征聘过程是在宣布选举之前开始的,而且符合现行准则。 The commission found no Model Code of Conduct violation, as the recruitment process was initiated before election announcement, and aligns with existing guidelines. 然而,通过法定当局定期征聘和晋升的情况仍然不受影响。 Regular recruitment and promotions through statutory authorities, however, remain unaffected.