由于违规行为,加纳选举委员会下令在一个选区重开选举。 Ghana's Electoral Commission orders rerun of election in one constituency due to irregularities.
由于程序上的违规行为,加纳选举委员会下令在多梅克瓦本亚选区的一个投票站重新举行议会选举。 The Electoral Commission (EC) in Ghana has ordered a rerun of the parliamentary election at one polling station in the Dome Kwabenya constituency due to procedural irregularities. 全国民主大会反对这一决定,声称他们的候选人Elikplim Akurugu已经获胜。 The National Democratic Congress (NDC) opposes this decision, claiming their candidate, Elikplim Akurugu, has already won. 欧共体的行动旨在解决有关选举结果的争议,预计重选将在2025年1月7日正式就职前进行。 The EC's move aims to resolve disputes over the election results, with the re-run expected to take place before the official inauguration on January 7, 2025.