加纳选举委员会推迟了两个地区的投票, Ghana's Electoral Commission postpones voting in two regions due to a defaced ballot paper.
加纳选举委员会将东部和西部地区的特别投票活动从12月2日至12月5日推迟至12月2日至12月5日,原因是在检查站印刷厂发现一份被涂抹的选票。 The Electoral Commission in Ghana has postponed the special voting exercise for the Eastern and Western regions from December 2 to December 5 due to a defaced ballot paper found at Checkpoint Printing House. 这些区域的选票将用强化安全措施予以销毁和重印。 Ballot papers for these regions will be destroyed and reprinted with enhanced security measures. 欧共体和各政党同意有必要保持选举的完整性,并呼吁彻底调查这一事件。 The EC and political parties agree on the need to maintain election integrity, with calls for a thorough investigation into the incident.