加纳选举委员会在将已死亡的候选人列入选票方面面临着法律挑战。 Ghana's Electoral Commission faces legal challenge over including deceased candidate on ballot.
Oliver Barker-Vormawor和Percival Cofi Akparoo认为选举委员会(EC)决定将已故候选人Akua Donkor列入加纳2024年总统大选, Oliver Barker-Vormawor and Percival Kofi Akpaloo argue the Electoral Commission's (EC) decision to include late candidate Akua Donkor on Ghana's 2024 presidential ballot is unconstitutional, saying it could mislead voters. 欧共体面临费用和后勤问题,决定把Donkor的名字留在选票上,但将取消为她投的任何选票。 The EC, facing cost and logistical issues, decided to leave Donkor's name on the ballot but will annul any votes cast for her. 该委员会旨在教育公众防止无效投票。 The commission aims to educate the public to prevent invalid votes.