加纳选举委员会确认,尽管一名候选人被取消资格,但2024年的总统投票令依然未变。 Ghana's Electoral Commission confirms 2024 presidential ballot order remains unchanged despite a candidate's disqualification.
加纳选举委员会确认,尽管加纳自由党候选人Philip Appiah Kubi因其提名文件不合规定而被取消资格,但2024年的总统选举投票令将保持不变。 The Electoral Commission (EC) in Ghana has confirmed that the 2024 presidential election ballot order will remain unchanged despite the disqualification of the Ghana Freedom Party's (GFP) candidate, Philip Appiah Kubi, due to irregularities in his nomination documents. 欧委会主席让·门萨(Jean Mensa)于11月12日宣布这一决定, 表示总统选票印刷工作已达90%完成, EC Chairperson Jean Mensa announced this decision on November 12, stating that presidential ballot printing is 90% complete and the Commission aims to meet all deadlines. 选票上仍保留Akua Donkor的名字和形象, The ballot will still include the name and image of Akua Donkor, though votes for her will be annulled.