中国电影之夜在吉达展出六部电影, 标志着对沙特阿拉伯中国电影院的兴趣日益浓厚。 Chinese Film Night in Jeddah showcases six films, marking growing interest in Chinese cinema in Saudi Arabia.
中国电影之夜在沙特阿拉伯吉达启动, The Chinese Film Night launched in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, featuring six Chinese films, highlighting the growing interest in Chinese cinema locally. 这次活动由中国电影管理局和中国驻吉达总领馆主办,旨在加强中国与沙特阿拉伯的文化交流与合作。 Organized by the China Film Administration and the Chinese Consulate-General in Jeddah, the event aims to enhance cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia. 超过100名嘉宾出席, 近1,000张放映票在半天之内售出, 表现出强烈的当地热情。 Over 100 guests attended, and nearly 1,000 tickets for screenings sold out within half a day, showing strong local enthusiasm.