在洛杉矶举行的第20届中美电影和电视节旨在促进美中文化联系和商业。 The 20th Chinese American Film and TV Festivals in Los Angeles aimed to boost U.S.-China cultural ties and business.
在洛杉矶举行的第20届中美电影和电视节旨在加强美国和中国的文化联系。 The 20th Chinese American Film and TV Festivals held in Los Angeles aimed to strengthen cultural ties between the U.S. and China. 这些活动举办数百场电影和电视节目,促进相互理解和商业协作。 Featuring hundreds of films and TV shows, the events promote mutual understanding and business collaboration. 中国驻美国大使谢峰强调了文化交流对促进尊重和合作的重要性。 The Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., Xie Feng, highlighted the importance of cultural exchange in fostering respect and cooperation. 这些节日还放映了一部关于Edgar Snow的纪录片。 Edgar Snow是一名美国记者,他帮助连接中美之间的理解。 The festivals also showcased a documentary about Edgar Snow, an American journalist who helped bridge China-U.S. understanding. 去年40多部好莱坞电影进入了中国市场,反映出电影业的合作日益加强。 Over 40 Hollywood films entered the Chinese market last year, reflecting growing collaboration in the film industry.