加拿大人希望特鲁多总理辞职,但复杂的政治程序使他的解职复杂化。 Canadians want Prime Minister Trudeau to resign, but complex political procedures complicate his removal.
加拿大广泛希望总理朱斯汀·特鲁多下台, Canadians broadly want Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step down, but removing an unwilling PM is challenging. 反对党正在要求举行不信任投票,这可能会引发选举。 Opposition parties are pushing for a non-confidence vote, which could trigger an election. 总督有保留权力,但干预可能构成危险的先例。 The Governor General has reserve powers but intervening could set a dangerous precedent. 该条强调总督应避免参与,强调议员的正式表决应决定特鲁多的命运,而不是民意调查或外部压力。 The article stresses that the Governor General should avoid involvement, emphasizing that formal votes by MPs should decide Trudeau's fate, not opinion polls or external pressure. 在特鲁多的领导下,经济问题和美国贸易关系也被列为令人关切的领域。 Economic issues and US trade relations are also cited as areas of concern under Trudeau's leadership.