孟加拉国银行行长强调取得的进展,但强调在中小企业融资和气候倡议方面的挑战。 Bangladesh's bank governor highlights progress but stresses challenges in financing SMEs, climate initiatives.
孟加拉国银行行长Ahsan H Mansur博士强调了金融部门的进展,但指出,它仍在为中小企业、气候和绿色倡议筹资方面挣扎。 Bangladesh Bank's Governor, Dr. Ahsan H Mansur, highlighted the financial sector's progress but noted it still struggles with financing for SMEs, climate, and green initiatives. 他敦促孟加拉国银行管理研究所(BBBM)适应技术创新等新挑战并吸引外国学生。 He urged the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) to adapt to new challenges like technological innovations and attract foreign students. Mansur博士强调了部门失灵的共同责任以及保护储户和投资者对于持续增长的重要性。 Dr. Mansur emphasized shared responsibility for sector failures and the importance of depositor and investor protection for sustained growth.