孟加拉国的学校银行方案招收了440多万名学生,促进了金融知识的普及和储蓄。 School banking programs in Bangladesh enroll over 4.4 million students, fostering financial literacy and savings.
孟加拉国的学校银行业对于促进金融知识普及和全国进步至关重要。 School banking in Bangladesh is vital for fostering financial literacy and national progress. 互助信托银行的MTB初级银行和PrimeAdemia银行等方案为学生提供量身定制的银行服务,促进储蓄和财务规划。 Programs like Mutual Trust Bank's MTB Junior and Prime Bank's PrimeAcademia offer tailored banking services for students, promoting savings and financial planning. 这些举措越来越受欢迎,截至2024年6月,已有440多万个账户和240亿BDT的存款。 These initiatives have gained popularity, with over 4.4 million accounts and BDT 24 billion in deposits as of June 2024. 这些方案旨在使年轻人尽早融入正规银行系统,促进经济包容性和储蓄。 The programs aim to integrate young people into the formal banking system early, boosting economic inclusivity and savings.