当局在特克索马湖搜寻两名从船上坠落后失踪的男子。 Authorities search for two men missing after falling from their boat at Lake Texoma.
据报告两名男子在德索马湖被从船上扔下后失踪。 Two men are missing after reportedly being thrown from their boat at Lake Texoma. 俄克拉荷马高速公路巡逻队在星期六中止了搜索工作,但计划在星期天恢复。 The Oklahoma Highway Patrol suspended search efforts on Saturday but plans to resume on Sunday. 包括地方应急管理小组和志愿消防部门在内的多个机构协助利用船只、声纳和无人机进行搜索。 Multiple agencies, including local emergency management teams and volunteer fire departments, have assisted in the search using boats, sonar, and drones. 如果任何人掌握信息,则鼓励他们与地方当局联系。 If anyone has information, they are encouraged to contact local authorities.