阿拉斯加渔船倾覆后,海岸警卫队停止搜寻五名失踪船员。 Coast Guard halts search for five missing crew after fishing boat capsizes in Alaska.
美国海岸警卫队在其渔船 Wind Walker 在阿拉斯加湾的 Point Couverden 附近倾覆后,暂停了对五名失踪船员的搜索。 The US Coast Guard has suspended its search for five missing crew members after their fishing boat, the Wind Walker, capsized off Point Couverden in the Gulf of Alaska. 周日早些时候接到求救电话,搜索工作覆盖了超过 108 平方海里。 A distress call was received early Sunday, and search efforts covered over 108 square nautical miles. 尽管发现了 7 件空的潜水服和2 个频闪灯,但没有发现船只或船员的迹象。 Despite finding seven empty immersion suits and two strobe lights, no signs of the boat or crew were found. 大雪和强风使搜索变得复杂。 The search was complicated by heavy snow and strong winds. 海岸警卫队向失踪船员的家属表示哀悼。 The Coast Guard expressed condolences to the families of the missing crew.