马来西亚搜寻两名失踪渔民的工作在五天后中断, Malaysian search for two missing fishermen called off after five days with no findings.
搜寻两名失踪的马来西亚渔民Muhammad Ikmal Hakimi Ismail(22岁)和Nor Hasrul Abdullah(25岁)在5天未发现结果后被停止。 The search for two missing Malaysian fishermen, Muhammad Ikmal Hakimi Ismail, 22, and Nor Hasrul Abdullah, 25, was called off after five days of no findings. 最后一次看到他们的船漂流在Kerachut(Kula Sungai Pinang)的Kerachut上。 Their boat was last seen drifting off Kerachut in Kuala Sungai Pinang. 该行动涉及90名军官,覆盖4 802海里。 The operation involved 90 officers and covered 4,802 nautical miles. 在主要搜索工作结束之际,马来西亚海事执法机构将继续巡逻,寻找渔民的任何迹象,并可能寻求印度尼西亚和泰国当局的帮助。 While the main search is over, the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency will continue to patrol for any signs of the fishermen, and may seek help from Indonesian and Thai authorities.