叙利亚新领导人与巴林和利比亚会面, 重建关系, 结束长期外交冻结。 Syria's new leader meets Bahrain and Libya to rebuild ties, ending a long diplomatic freeze.
叙利亚的新领导人Ahmed al-Sharaa会见了巴林和利比亚的官员,以加强外交关系和重建区域伙伴关系。 Syria's new leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, met with officials from Bahrain and Libya to strengthen diplomatic ties and rebuild regional partnerships. 利比亚代表强调合作的重要性,特别是在安全和军事问题上,这是2012年以来利比亚首次与叙利亚进行外交接触。 Libya's representative emphasized the importance of cooperation, especially on security and military issues, marking Libya's first diplomatic contact with Syria since 2012. 叙利亚新政府还结束了前军事人员交出武器的大赦期,从而导致逮捕和没收。 The new Syrian administration also ended an amnesty period for former military members to surrender weapons, leading to arrests and confiscations.