莫桑比克首都马普托的选举后暴力导致抢劫、破坏财产和超过125人死亡。 Post-election violence in Mozambique's capital, Maputo, has led to looting, vandalism, and over 125 deaths.
莫桑比克首都马普托的选举后暴力事件导致居民因粮食、燃料和药品短缺而普遍遭到抢劫、破坏和恐惧。 Post-election violence in Mozambique's capital, Maputo, has led to widespread looting, vandalism, and fear among residents due to shortages of food, fuel, and medicine. 超过1 000名囚犯从最高戒备监狱越狱,煽动谣言,并导致街区巡逻的形成,导致局势恶化。 The situation worsened after over 1,000 inmates escaped from a maximum-security prison, fueling rumors and leading to the formation of neighborhood patrols. 反对派对执政的Frelimo党的胜利提出异议,该党获胜后爆发了暴力,导致暴乱,造成125多人死亡。 The violence erupted following the confirmation of the ruling Frelimo party's victory, which was disputed by the opposition, resulting in riots that left over 125 people dead.