自 2017 年以来,莫桑比克因叛乱而产生了超过一百万的国内流离失所者,该国缺乏支持流离失所公民的计划,同时给彭巴岛的基础设施造成压力。 Mozambique, overwhelmed by over a million IDPs since 2017 due to insurgency, lacks plans to support displaced citizens while straining infrastructure in Pemba.
自 2017 年以来,莫桑比克因叛乱而面临超过一百万的国内流离失所者问题,该国可以向其他非洲国家学习接收国内流离失所者的经验。 Mozambique, grappling with over a million internally displaced people (IDPs) due to insurgency since 2017, can learn from other African nations on hosting IDPs. 德尔加杜角危机导致首都奔巴岛境内流离失所者达 132,000 人,基础设施和公共服务面临压力。 The Cabo Delgado crisis has overwhelmed Pemba, the capital, with 132,000 IDPs, causing infrastructure and public service strains. 尽管莫桑比克政府吸取了过去内战的教训以及邻国的经验,但该国政府仍缺乏支持流离失所公民的计划。 The government lacks plans to support displaced citizens, despite lessons from Mozambique's past civil war and neighboring countries' experiences.