新南威尔士州面临住房建设延误,因为有40%的缺陷校正被错过,冒着建造者许可证的风险。 NSW faces housing construction delays as 40% of defect rectifications are missed, risking builder licenses.
新南威尔士州建筑委员会正在努力实现其到2029年建造378 000所新住房的目标,因为数据显示,40%的独立房屋缺陷纠正令没有在规定时间内执行。 The New South Wales Building Commission is struggling to meet its goal of constructing 378,000 new homes by 2029, as data shows that 40% of rectification orders for defects in standalone houses are not being followed within the required time. 这一问题并不限于公寓楼,并导致一些建筑商的许可证被暂停和吊销。 This issue is not limited to apartment buildings and has led to the suspension and cancellation of some builders' licenses. 尽管建设压力很大,但总理Chris Minns坚持要保持建设质量。 Despite the pressure to build, Premier Chris Minns insists on maintaining construction quality.