伊利诺斯州法律禁止基于收入来源的住房歧视,但许多人仍面临房东的抵制。 Illinois law bans housing discrimination based on income source, but many still face landlord resistance.
尽管新的伊利诺斯州法律禁止基于个人收入来源的住房歧视,但许多人仍然面临困难。 Despite a new Illinois law prohibiting housing discrimination based on a person's source of income, many still face difficulties. Mikia Knighten在等待8年之后收到了住房凭证,遇到房东不愿接受她的补贴。 Mikia Knighten, who received a housing voucher after eight years on a waiting list, encountered landlords unwilling to accept her subsidy. 她的诉讼和其他类似案件都突显了目前存在的问题。 Her lawsuit and others like it highlight ongoing issues. 倡导者继续通过法律行动和向人权机构提交文件,推动遵守规定。 Advocates continue to push for compliance through legal actions and filings with human rights agencies.