联盟提交超过15 000个签名,禁止林肯市的住房凭证歧视。 Coalition submits over 15,000 signatures to ban housing voucher discrimination in Lincoln.
林肯公平住房联盟(Lincoln for Fair住房联盟)已递交超过15,300个签名, 在5月6日的投票中提出一项措施, 禁止房东歧视使用住房券或其他政府福利的房客。 The Lincoln for Fair Housing coalition has submitted over 15,300 signatures to put a measure on the May 6 ballot that would ban landlords from discriminating against tenants who use housing vouchers or other government benefits. 该联盟认为,林肯近一半的房客面临高昂的住房费用,许多受票人找不到房东愿意接受这些房客。 The coalition argues that nearly half of Lincoln's renters face high housing costs and that many voucher recipients cannot find landlords willing to accept them. 现在该市将核实签名,然后决定如何进行。 The city will now verify the signatures before deciding how to proceed.