领取津贴的家庭可每年以新的社会关税在宽带上节省200英镑。 Households receiving benefits can save up to £200 annually on broadband with new social tariffs.
宽带社会关税每年可节省最多200英镑的家庭,每月费用可低至12.50英镑。 Broadband social tariffs can save households up to £200 annually, with monthly costs as low as £12.50. 普遍信贷、养恤金信贷和收入支助等福利的领取者可获得这些折扣。 These discounts are available to those receiving benefits like Universal Credit, Pension Credit, and Income Support. 客户可与其宽带提供商直接检查其资格,后者也可通过多哈工作方案系统进行核查。 Customers can check eligibility directly with their broadband provider, which can also verify through a DWP system. 参与提供商的详细情况见Ofcom网站。 Details on participating providers are available on the Ofcom website.