来自800 000辆大众电动汽车的数据,包括全球定位系统位置的数据,因安全漏洞而暴露。 Data from 800,000 Volkswagen electric cars, including GPS locations, was exposed due to a security breach.
安全漏洞暴露了800 000辆大众集团电动汽车的数据,包括精确的全球定位系统坐标和电池状况,长达数月。 A security breach exposed data from 800,000 Volkswagen Group electric vehicles, including precise GPS coordinates and battery statuses, for several months. 一名举报人发现的破损事件影响到来自VW、Audi、Seat和Skoda的汽车。 The breach, discovered by a whistleblower, affected cars from VW, Audi, Seat, and Skoda. 超过460,000个案例有详细的定位数据,可能暴露每日的例行程序。 Over 460,000 cases had detailed location data, potentially revealing daily routines. 这些数据储存在一个安全不良的亚马逊云服务器上,其中包括关于德国政治家和警官的信息。 The data was stored on a poorly secured Amazon cloud server and included information on German politicians and police officers. 虽然密码和付款数据没有暴露,但这一事件引起了隐私问题。 While passwords and payment data were not exposed, the incident raises privacy concerns. 泄漏是由于一个VW子公司Cariad的配置错误所致。 The leak occurred due to a configuration error by Cariad, a VW subsidiary.