不列颠哥伦比亚省命令欺诈者Pasquill使用退休基金,罚款36.7M美元。 British Columbia orders fraudster Pasquill to use retirement funds for $36.7M fine.
不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员会命令厄尔·道格拉斯·帕斯奎尔利用其两个退休账户支付一笔3 670万美元的罚款,以支付通过自由投资俱乐部对迈克尔·帕特里克·拉蒂基实施的欺诈行为。 2008年,自由投资俱乐部诈骗了近700名投资者。 The British Columbia Securities Commission has ordered Earle Douglas Pasquill to use his two retirement accounts to pay a $36.7 million fine for fraud committed with Michael Patrick Lathigee through the Freedom Investment Club, which defrauded nearly 700 investors in 2008. 2014年,不列颠哥伦比亚公司命令他们拆分2 170万美元,各支付1 500万美元的罚款,从而导致持续的诉讼。 The BCSC ordered them in 2014 to disgorge $21.7 million and pay $15 million in penalties each, leading to ongoing litigation. Lathigee在2023年4月与该委员会达成350 000美元的和解,而Pasquill没有支付任何制裁,继续在法庭上与该委员会作战。 Lathigee settled with the commission for $350,000 in April 2023, while Pasquill has not paid any of his sanctions and continues to battle the commission in court.