BC 证券委员会责令 Michael Lathigee 和 Earle Pasquill 因 Freedom Investment Club 欺诈行为缴纳 2170 万美元的非法所得和各 1500 万美元的罚款。 BC Securities Commission orders Michael Lathigee and Earle Pasquill to pay $21.7M in disgorgement and $15M each in penalties for fraud in Freedom Investment Club.
由于违反该省《证券法》,不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员会 (BCSC) 已征收总计约 4.3 亿加元的未付罚款和没收令。 The British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) has levied unpaid fines and disgorgement orders totaling around $430 million due to breaches of the province's Securities Act. 未付金额最大的是 Michael Lathigee 和 Earle Pasquill,他们因涉及自由投资俱乐部的欺诈活动而欠下 5170 万美元。 Among those with the largest unpaid amounts are Michael Lathigee and Earle Pasquill, who owe $51.7 million for fraudulent activities involving the Freedom Investment Club. BCSC 已命令他们支付 2170 万美元的没收款项和各 1500 万美元的行政处罚,导致诉讼持续进行。 The BCSC has ordered them to pay $21.7 million in disgorgement and $15 million each in administrative penalties, resulting in ongoing litigation.