加利福尼亚州贝尔弗劳尔的一名女子在提交限制令数小时后被前男友杀害,儿子也受伤。 Woman in Bellflower, CA killed by ex-boyfriend hours after filing restraining order, with son also wounded.
在加利福尼亚州贝尔花中心,一名妇女被其前男友在对他提出限制令几个小时后开枪打死。 In Bellflower, California, a woman was shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend hours after filing a restraining order against him. 在这次事件中,她26岁的儿子也受伤,但情况稳定。 During the incident, her 26-year-old son was also wounded but is in stable condition. 嫌疑人强行进入他们的公寓,开枪打死儿子,然后在杀死她自己之前,将她打死。 The suspect forced entry into their apartment, shot the son, and then fatally shot the woman before taking his own life. 当局正在调查此案,此前曾多次接到与嫌疑人有关的家庭暴力电话。 Authorities are investigating the case, which follows multiple previous domestic violence calls related to the suspect.