联合国证实,巴基斯坦的空袭在阿富汗杀害了20名儿童,认为这违反了法律。 UN confirms Pakistani airstrikes killed 20 children in Afghanistan, deeming it a law violation.
联合国确认,至少20名儿童和46名平民在巴基斯坦对阿富汗帕克蒂卡省的空袭中被打死,认为这次袭击违反国际法。 The United Nations confirmed that at least 20 children and 46 civilians were killed in Pakistani airstrikes on Afghanistan's Paktika province, deeming the attack a violation of international law. 阿富汗已正式抗议, 警告巴基斯坦保护其领土是一条“红线”。 Afghanistan has officially protested, warning Pakistan that the protection of its territory is a "red line." 巴基斯坦声称这次袭击是针对Tehrik-i-塔利班巴基斯坦(TTP)好战藏身处。 Pakistan claimed the strikes were aimed at Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militant hideouts.