巴基斯坦军队在巴古尔袭击中打死9名好战分子;巴基斯坦塔利班在地区据点。 9 militants killed in Bajaur raid by Pakistani forces; area stronghold of Pakistani Taliban.
巴基斯坦安全部队在袭击阿富汗附近开伯尔Pakhtunkhwa省的Bajaur区时杀害了9名好战分子。 Pakistani security forces killed nine militants in a raid in Bajaur, a district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province near Afghanistan. 这一地区一直是巴基斯坦塔利班(塔利班)的据点,自塔利班2021年接管阿富汗以来,他们加紧了攻击。 This area has been a stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban (TTP), who have intensified attacks since the Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan in 2021. 军事行动还夺取了好战分子藏身之处的武器和弹药。 The military operation also resulted in the seizure of weapons and ammunition from the militants' hideout. 被害武装分子的具体隶属关系没有披露。 The specific affiliations of the slain militants were not disclosed.