巴基斯坦对阿富汗的TTP藏身之处进行空袭,至少杀害15人,包括平民。 Pakistan conducts airstrikes on TTP hideouts in Afghanistan, kills at least 15, including civilians.
巴基斯坦于12月24日对阿富汗帕克蒂卡省疑似巴基斯坦塔利班(TTP)藏身之处进行了空袭,据报至少杀害15人,包括平民。 Pakistan conducted airstrikes on suspected Pakistani Taliban (TTP) hideouts in Afghanistan's Paktika province on December 24, reportedly killing at least 15 people, including civilians. 阿富汗国防部谴责空袭,声称攻击目标是平民,而塔利班则发誓报复。 The Afghan Defense Ministry condemned the airstrikes, claiming they targeted civilians, while the Taliban vowed retaliation. 巴基斯坦特别代表在喀布尔会见了阿富汗官员,讨论袭击前几小时的双边关系,强调两国因TTP激进分子在阿富汗的存在而持续紧张。 Pakistan's special representative met with Afghan officials in Kabul to discuss bilateral ties just hours before the strikes, highlighting ongoing tensions between the two nations over the presence of TTP militants in Afghanistan.