两人在肯塔基州的石沟路滑坡中死亡,很可能是在收集煤炭时死亡的。 Two people died in a landslide on Stone Gap Road in Kentucky, likely while collecting coal.
两人在肯塔基州曼彻斯特附近的石沟路滑坡中丧生, 大约在星期五上午1点左右。 Two people were killed in a landslide on Stone Gap Road near Manchester, Kentucky, around 1 a.m. Friday. 警方发现山坡滑落在路上, 发现了两具尸体. Initially thought to be a car crash, deputies found the side of a mountain had slid onto the road, uncovering two bodies. 当局怀疑受害者在山崩发生时正试图从一个旧矿中收集煤炭。 Authorities suspect the victims were attempting to collect coal from an old mine when the landslide occurred. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.