在俄勒冈州的Sutherlin, 圣诞日大火导致一只狗死亡, 原因正在调查中。 In Sutherlin, Oregon, a Christmas Day shed fire led to a dog's death; cause under investigation.
在圣诞节,俄勒冈州萨瑟林发生了一场小火,苏特林消防局和支助机构迅速扑灭了火灾。 On Christmas Day, a shed fire occurred in Sutherlin, Oregon, which was quickly extinguished by the Sutherlin Fire Department and supporting agencies. 可悲的是,一只狗在火中死亡。 Sadly, a dog perished in the fire. 没有报告有人受伤,正在调查火灾原因。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.