研究发现,终生单身者,特别是50岁以上的单身者,对人生的满意度较低,个性特征也不同。 Study finds lifelong singles, especially over 50, have lower life satisfaction and distinct personality traits.
最近对心理科学的一项研究发现,终身单身者,特别是50岁以上的单身者,与伴侣相比,其一生的满意度较低,个性特征也不同。 A recent study in Psychological Science finds that lifelong singles, especially those over 50, have lower life satisfaction and different personality traits compared to those who are partnered. 这项涉及77 000多名欧洲人的研究显示,单身者在外向、良心和开放方面往往得分较低。 The research, involving over 77,000 Europeans, shows singles tend to score lower on extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness. 研究表明个性差异是由于选择,而不是社会化造成的,建议制定方案,帮助防止老年单身者的孤独。 The study suggests personality differences are due to selection rather than socialization and recommends developing programs to help prevent loneliness among older singles.