安大略省拨款3 000万加元用于设备,保护消防员免受与火灾有关的癌症风险。 Ontario allocates $30M for equipment to protect firefighters from fire-related cancer risks.
安大略省政府正在三年内向374个城市消防部门提供3 000万加元,以支持癌症预防举措。 The Ontario government is providing $30 million over three years to 374 municipal fire departments to support cancer prevention initiatives. 这笔资金将帮助购买设备,保护消防员免受火灾期间暴露于致癌化学品和污染物造成的长期健康影响。 The funding will help purchase equipment to protect firefighters from long-term health effects caused by exposure to cancer-causing chemicals and contaminants released during fires. 在Quinte地区,10个消防服务单位将得到273 830美元。 In the Quinte area, ten fire services will receive up to $273,830. 投资旨在支持每天冒生命危险保护社区的消防员。 The investment aims to support firefighters who risk their lives daily to protect communities.