加拿大和育空地区政府投资5年2,100万加元,用于加强野火预防和应对。 Canada and Yukon government invest $21M over 5 years for wildfire prevention and response enhancement.
加拿大和育空地区政府宣布在五年内投资2 100万美元,以加强该地区的野火预防和应对工作。 Canada and Yukon government announced a $21M investment over five years to enhance wildfire prevention and response in the region. 这些资金将用于购买野火设备、雇用和培训人员以及延长消防季节。 The funds will be used to purchase wildfire equipment, hire and train personnel, and extend the firefighting season. 设备基金旨在加强全国火灾管理能力,应对气候变化对野火的影响。 The Equipment Fund aims to strengthen fire management capacities and capabilities across the country, addressing climate change's impact on wildfires.