安大略省为野外消防员提供癌症、心脏病和创伤后应激障碍的推定保险,与市政消防员享受相同的福利。 Ontario extends presumptive coverage for cancers, heart injuries, and PTSD to wildland firefighters, matching benefits for municipal firefighters.
安大略省计划将癌症、心脏病和创伤后应激障碍的推定保险范围扩大到野外消防员,与市政消防员享受的福利相匹配。 Ontario plans to extend presumptive coverage for cancers, heart injuries, and PTSD to wildland firefighters, matching benefits provided to municipal firefighters. 劳工部长戴维·皮奇尼 (David Piccini) 正在提出立法和监管改革,以确保野外消防员、调查员和志愿者在向该省工作场所安全和保险委员会提交索赔时获得同样的保障。 Labour Minister David Piccini is tabling legislation and regulatory changes to ensure wildland firefighters, investigators, and volunteers receive the same coverage when submitting claims to the province's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. 其他拟议的改革还将使所有消防员更容易获得皮肤癌保险。 Additional proposed changes would also make it easier for all firefighters to receive coverage for skin cancer.