美国新泽西州的56岁杰弗里·芬莱被指控149项虐待动物罪名, 56-year-old Jeffrey Finlay from NJ indicted on 149 counts of animal cruelty after 157 cats, 3 dogs found in poor condition.
位于新泽西州布里克镇的56岁杰弗里·芬莱在2023年5月在他的家中发现157只猫和3只狗后, 被指控对149只动物虐待. 56-year-old Jeffrey Finlay from Brick Township, NJ, was indicted on 149 counts of animal cruelty after 157 cats and three dogs were found in his home in May 2023. 当局在24小时以上驱走这些动物,其中25人因护理不良而需要安乐死,4人受重伤。 Authorities removed the animals over 24 hours, with 25 needing euthanasia due to poor care and four suffering serious injuries. Finlay最初被指控未提供护理,但在海洋州检察官办公室收到兽医报告后,对他的指控作了更新。 Finlay was initially charged with failure to provide care, but his charges were upgraded after the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office received veterinary reports.