澳大利亚亨特地区在持续的热浪中为严重的风暴和冰雹做好准备。 Hunter region, Australia, braces for severe storms and hail during ongoing heatwave.
在 12 月 27 日的热浪中,澳大利亚的亨特地区正面临严重的风暴和潜在的冰雹。 The Hunter region in Australia is facing severe storms and potential hail amid a heatwave on December 27. 炎热潮湿的空气正在引起孤立的风暴、破坏性的大风和大冰雹,从西北方向向海岸移动。 Hot, wet air is causing isolated storms, damaging winds, and large hailstones, moving towards the coast from the northwest. 纽卡斯尔、默伦迪、斯康、马瑟尔布鲁克、梅里瓦和梅特兰等地区处于危险之中。 Areas like Newcastle, Murrundi, Scone, Muswellbrook, Merriwa, and Maitland are at risk. 预计热浪情况将持续到周末,预计晚上晚些时候会更新。 Heatwave conditions are expected to continue through the weekend, with updates anticipated later in the evening.