前总理曼莫汉·辛格 (Manmohan Singh)、青少年演员哈德森·米克 (Hudson Meek) 和强风暴是今天新闻的头条新闻。 Former PM Manmohan Singh, teen actor Hudson Meek, and severe storms headline today's news.
印度前总理曼莫汉·辛格 (Manmohan Singh) 因在印度经济改革和与美国的核协议中的作用而闻名,享年 92 岁。 Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, known for his role in India's economic reforms and the nuclear deal with the US, died at 92. 以《婴儿司机》而闻名的青少年演员哈德森·米克 (Hudson Meek) 在阿拉巴马州从一辆行驶中的车辆上坠落后去世,享年 16 岁。 Teen actor Hudson Meek, known for "Baby Driver," passed away at 16 after falling from a moving vehicle in Alabama. 波多黎各艺术家 Bad Bunny 宣布将于 1 月 5 日发行他的新专辑“Debí Tirar Más Fotos”。 Puerto Rican artist Bad Bunny announced his new album "Debí Tirar Más Fotos" for January 5. 德克萨斯州的严重风暴导致航班延误和取消,而佛罗里达州的一名披萨送货员被指控因小费纠纷刺伤一名孕妇。 Severe storms in Texas have caused flight delays and cancellations, while a Florida pizza deliverer was charged with stabbing a pregnant woman over a tip dispute.