推动经济改革并与美国建立更紧密关系的印度前总理曼莫汉·辛格 (Manmohan Singh) 去世,享年 92 岁。 Former Indian PM Manmohan Singh, who pushed economic reforms and closer ties with the US, died at 92.
印度前总理曼莫汉·辛格 (Manmohan Singh) 以其在印度经济改革和加强与美国关系中的作用而闻名,享年 92 岁。 Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, known for his role in India's economic reforms and strengthening ties with the US, passed away at 92. 美国官员赞扬了他在印美核协议和经济改革方面的工作。 US officials praised his work on the India-US nuclear deal and economic reforms. 辛格面临挑战,包括 2008 年孟买袭击事件以及因对涉及巴基斯坦和中国的安全问题采取谨慎态度而受到批评。 Singh faced challenges, including the 2008 Mumbai attacks and criticism over his cautious approach to security issues involving Pakistan and China. 他的任期因提高印度的全球地位和经济增长而被人们铭记。 His tenure is remembered for advancing India's global standing and economic growth.