48岁的Favian Ubense Cruz-Vargas在纳什维尔被一辆食品卡车击中后死亡,当时驾驶的司机没有经验,没有执照。 48-year-old Favian Ubense Cruz-Vargas died after being struck by a food truck in Nashville while directing its driver, who was inexperienced and unlicensed.
48 岁的法维安·乌本斯·克鲁兹-巴尔加斯 (Favian Ubense Cruz-Vargas) 在纳什维尔被一辆食品卡车撞倒后死亡,当时他正在指挥 42 岁的司机奥马尔·马丁内斯-冈萨雷斯 (Omar Martinez-Gonzalez) 避开建筑物。 Favian Ubense Cruz-Vargas, 48, died after being struck by a food truck in Nashville while directing its driver, Omar Martinez-Gonzalez, 42, to avoid a building. Cruz-Vargas因Martinez-Gonzalez缺乏经验而被困在卡车和建筑物之间。 Cruz-Vargas was pinned between the truck and the structure due to Martinez-Gonzalez's inexperience. 根据《Ricky Otts法》,司机因缺乏有效的驾驶执照和保险而被逮捕和指控。 The driver has been arrested and charged under the Ricky Otts Act for lacking a valid driver's license and insurance.