波士顿2024年的犯罪统计显示 枪击案和凶杀案大幅下降 使它成为美国最安全的大城市 Boston's crime stats for 2024 show a major drop in shootings and homicides, making it the safest big U.S. city.
包括Michelle Wu市长在内的波士顿官员庆祝了该市的2024年犯罪统计,显示枪击和杀人事件大幅减少,使其成为美国最安全的主要城市。 Boston officials, including Mayor Michelle Wu, celebrated the city's 2024 crime statistics, showing a significant decline in shootings and homicides, making it the safest major U.S. city. 这一下降归因于减少暴力讲习班、社区犯罪统计数据共享、不同的警察招聘和社区干预小组等战略。 The drop is attributed to strategies like violence reduction workshops, community crime statistic sharing, diverse police recruitment, and community intervention teams. 尽管取得了成功,但领导人警告不要自满,强调继续努力改进。 Despite successes, leaders warn against complacency, emphasizing continuous efforts for improvement.