波士顿警察在圣诞节被捕 罪名是袭击、不当枪支储藏和毒品持有 Boston cop arrested on Christmas Day for assault, improper gun storage, and drug possession.
波士顿警察Terrence Murray在马萨诸塞州赫尔发生国内事件后于圣诞节被捕。 Boston police officer Terrence Murray was arrested on Christmas Day after a domestic incident in Hull, Massachusetts. 他面临包括攻击和殴打、不当储存火器和持有毒品在内的指控。 He faces charges including assault and battery, improper storage of a firearm, and drug possession. 警察在他车上发现了他的部门发放的武器和他们认为是类固醇的东西。 Police found his department-issued weapon and what they believed to be steroids in his vehicle. Murray是一名四年的老兵,在部门调查期间被指派执行行政职责。 Murray, a four-year veteran, has been placed on administrative duty while the department investigates. 他表示不认罪,并获得500美元有条件的保释。 He pleaded not guilty and was granted $500 bail with conditions.