福尔里弗 (Fall River) 警官尼古拉斯·霍尔 (Nicholas Hoar) 于 2020 年 12 月 21 日因袭击在押男子、撒谎并提交虚假报告而被定罪。 Fall River police officer Nicholas Hoar convicted of assaulting man in custody, lying about it, and filing false reports on Dec 21, 2020.
福尔河警官尼古拉斯·霍尔(Nicholas Hoar)因袭击一名在押男子并在官方报告中撒谎而被判有罪。 A Fall River police officer named Nicholas Hoar was found guilty of assaulting a man in his custody and lying about it in official reports. 这起事件发生在2020年12月21日,当时霍尔用警棍殴打牢房里的威廉·哈维的头部。 The incident took place on December 21, 2020, when Hoar struck William Harvey, who was in a jail cell, with a baton to the head. 当时在场的一名警官同事出庭作证指控霍尔。 A fellow officer present at the time testified against Hoar. 该警官已被判所有三项罪名成立:一项以法律名义剥夺权利,导致人身伤害;两项因对事件撒谎而提交虚假报告。 The officer has been convicted on all three counts: one count of deprivation of rights under color of law, resulting in bodily injury, and two counts of filing false reports for lying about the incident. 霍尔的判决定于四月进行。 Hoar's sentencing is scheduled for April.